SWIHHP is participating in the Skeleton Park Arts Festival this weekend. Come to Side Stage #3 at Alma and Balaclava Streets on Sunday June 26 at 3 p.m. to hear about what lies above and below the ground, at the top of the hill and at the bottom of the hill, in and around Skeleton Park. It’s free and we’re even getting a microphone so you can all hear! If you want to study up in advance, spend some time with this amazing map.
Plan showing… the works proposed for the defence of Kingston, Upper Canada…[signed by] J. Nightingale, 19th Nov. 1829. Courtesy Queen’s University Library.Also, if you’re in the park on Saturday between 11 and 4, you might come across Ronen Goldfarb who will be asking people to tell us a story of Skeleton Park. These are short casual interviews. Maybe you have a story? Come and tell it! You can also let us know about any ideas you have for our research or activities.