SWIHHP is lucky to have two new team members this summer. You may meet them soon out and about on the job — and there will be another SWIHHPer too when we hire for the Audio Producer position.

Scott Rutherford is the Oral History Coordinator for SWIHHP this summer, funded by the City of Kingston Heritage Fund. Scott speaks fondly of growing up in Kenora, a place where “in the summers your parents opened the door and kicked you out, you ran around until dark and then came home.” He did both his undergrad and Masters in Manitoba before coming to Kingston in 2005 to work on his PhD in history at Queen’s. After feigning incompetency with the tech boards while hosting a radio show at CFRC, he caught the attention of Sayyida. They have lived together in several houses on Rideau Street over almost eight years. Scott jokes that fate may keep them on the street until it comes time to move into Rideaucrest Home.
Ronen Goldfarb is an undergraduate student at Queen’s where he is majoring in English. He spent most of his childhood in North Bay with his mother, father, twin brothers and sister. Ronen contributes to the Queen’s Journal and has a radio show on CFRC called “Chewing the Phat” which plays hip-hop, soul, jazz and funk. This will be Ronen’s first summer in Kingston and so far he’s enjoying both the peacefulness and the night life. He has an Undergraduate Student Summer Research Fellowship to help with SWIHHP and, in particular, to research the role of nostalgia in personal and community history. To start, he’s going through the SWIHHP hazing ritual of inputting City Directory data into spreadsheets: he’s working on Sydenham and Ordnance Streets at the moment. No doubt he is eager to get out and do interviewing as well!
— Laura Murray, with interview notes from Ronen and Scott